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July 21, 2009 - 4:59 p.m.

I was on the pill from ages 18 to my current age, 25 1/2, and stopped taking it about a month ago. I was going absolutely nuts every four weeks and it really, really sucked. I tried to pretend it wasn't cycle-related but it totally was. When it went away I usually tried to convince myself that it was all in my imagination and I was just having a bad day or whatever.

I switched to a different prescription last fall but it hasn't helped, and I didn't want to keep changing until I found one that worked, so I decided to try going without. Yesterday was the first fourth Monday in a very long time that I haven't felt like somebody should hide all the kitchen knives. At the same time, I know I'm where I'm supposed to be in my cycle (and that I'm not pregnant, as I shouldn't be), because I have had a few fleeting moments of knifeyness (nowhere near as harsh as in the past), and my usual crazy enhanced sense of smell.

When I started taking the pill way back when, I got uhh, kind of a growth spurt. And my boyfriend at the time occasionally wondered out loud if it was pill-related. And I laughed it off and refused to believe it. Until this morning, when I happened to look down as I got changed after I biked to work. There is clearly less boobage than there was before, not that there was an incredible amount to begin with. Fuuuuuuck. On the plus side, they haven't hurted like they used to every knifey day. Also, arguably, they were never really mine to begin with, so I can't mourn their loss, can I?

I'm just laying it all down here for posterity's sake, so... you heard it here first.


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